If you scream or speak loudly, then know from the doctor some of its disadvantages.

When we speak or shout, the sound from our throat comes through the vocal cords. Vocal chord is also called larynx. This is in the form of a voice box on the top of the flexible tissue in the mouth. Let us tell you that like our body, the vocal cord can also be tense and damaged. Many times it is seen that people speak in a very loud voice or when they get angry, they speak very loudly. Doing so can damage the vocal cord of the person. Let us tell you that due to shouting or loud speaking, there can be problems like throat infection, vocal cord paralysis and bleeding in the throat etc. Let us know from Dr. Rajeev Chitguppi, Researcher at ICPA Health Products, what can be the problem with the vocal cords due to shouting and in what ways you can keep your vocal cords healthy.

Screaming can cause bleeding in the throat

In many situations, the voice suddenly changes due to loud shouting. There is a fear of getting such trouble with the person who speaks sharply. Explain that loud shouting can cause bleeding in the vocal cords and due to bleeding, a lump is formed in the vocal cord, due to which the voice changes.

Vocal cord may be paralysis

Sometimes due to big events or if you have been shouting for a long time, it causes the sound to go away. This is called vocal cord trauma. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to control one's own voice. Shouting too much can make the sound worse. There is also a risk of vocal cord paralysis due to this.

The throat can be cancer

If you shout for a long time, it can affect your throat. Because of this, you can develop polyps and nodules in the throat and you can get throat cancer.

Give rest to the throat like this

drink lukewarm water

If your profession or work is such that you have to make a sound and you speak loudly, then you should drink lukewarm water. This will relax your throat and vocal cords. It cures swelling of the throat by compressing the nerves of the throat.

neck massage

Throat hurts after screaming. In this case, you can massage the neck. Tell that to massage with fingers near the throat. This will give you relief. Also the muscles will get rest.

Do breathing exercises for the throat

To keep the vocal cord right, yoga and breathing exercises should be done. Along with this, the fatigue of the throat also reduced.

Note: If there is a hoarse and very sore throat after speaking loudly or shouting, then definitely see a doctor. Due to this, there can be throat infection, tuberculosis, chest infection, fungal infection and tumor in the vocal cords.

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