Sex is a big part of a romantic relationship. If sex life is good then many problems get solved without complications. Everyone, regardless of gender, wants to enjoy sex.

Sometimes sex is not fun for us despite the cooperation of the partner. In such a situation, sometimes we blame ourselves and sometimes our partner. But there is no need to be worried. We are telling you some tips, by which you can improve your sex experience and sex life.

Tips to improve sex life

Here we are going to give you information about some simple tips by which you can improve your sex experience and sex life.

1.       Workout

This may sound clichéd but it is 100% true. Keeping the body fit directly affects your sex life. Dancing, yoga, hiking, eating salad, sleeping on time and sleeping a little extra fills your body with new energy. This increases your desire for sex.

The body needs a lot of strength during sex. Doing cardio workouts activates your heart. Due to this, there is better circulation of blood in the genitals and throughout the body. This will improve your performance in sex and improve your orgasm.

2.        Satisfy Yourself Regularly

They say if you don't love yourself, why would someone else? That's why masturbate regularly. This will help you understand what you like and what you don't. There are many misconceptions about masturbation. But it is proved by scientists that there is no harm in masturbation. This makes your relationship with you better.

3.       Teach Each Other

Don't make sex an everyday thing. Enjoy the delicate moments with each other. Tell your partner the things you love. To assume that they will know everything and they will do it themselves is wrong. You are two different people, so your likes and dislikes will be different. Unless you both tell each other, you will not be able to enjoy. That is why, teach yourself to give pleasure to your partner.

4.        Take Care of Vagina

Taking care of your genitals is very important for better sex. Vagina being dry, itchy or smelly can ruin the sex experience of both of you. So take care of cleanliness. Along with this, lubrication is also very important.

5.        Live the fantasy freely

There are many fantasies related to sex in everyone's heart. Tell your partner openly about it. If both of them agree, nothing is right or wrong. Enjoy your own and your partner's fantasy from the heart. It will give you something new and make sex a great feeling.

Sex is a very special and important feeling. It is important to enjoy it.

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