Find out what is preventing you from satisfying your partner.
There is no doubt that you are great in bed, but sometimes no matter how hard you try it can get difficult for you to get an erection. So the next time you feel it is getting difficult for you to do the deed in between your foreplay, these could be the possible reasons.
1. Getting way too adventurous in bed – While trying out new positions can be exciting for you and your partner, make sure not to push your limits because you can experience erectile dysfunction and also penile fractures. In fact, there are over 1,600 cases of penile fracture recorded in medical journals, so think twice before trying out unusual antics in bed.
2. Negative body image – Men who have a low self-image and are always struggling with how they look have been found to experience some level of erectile dysfunction or difficulty in maintaining an erection. Researchers from the University of Southern California found that men below 40 years old who had a low self-image also struggled to perform in bed due to sexual anxiety.
3. Unresponsive partner-- Even if you giving your best in bed if your partner is inactive and unresponsive you will not get an erection. In fact, it can get challenging for you to perform well if you are getting laid with someone who does not respond. Some foreplay may help set your partner in the mood for sex.
4. Issues in a relationship – Do not get physical if you and your partner are facing some problems in your relationship. Solve it first. You may find it difficult to get physically intimate with your partner after a conflict. This is because the stress caused by depression and constant fights could lead to erectile dysfunction or difficulty in getting an erection.
5. You think of stressful events-- If you are thinking of your office emails during sex or thinking how you will pay off your EMIs, it is immediately going to have an effect on your boner. So try to keep all your stress away to make sure that you have a good time in bed.