It is normal to be disinterested in engaging in sexual activity from time to time owing to the variation in libido levels in the body of an individual. However, disinterest in sex can be a cause of concern if it goes on for a long period. This could be due to stress or an underlying health condition. 

Inactive sex drive can be frustrating for both the partners and can play a havoc in your married life if not attended to the early stages. Though it is a common occurrence in people as they age but this condition has now become very prominent in people of a much younger age. Let us look at some of the causes and the possible solutions. 

The causes of low libido/sex drive: 
Sex drive is something that starts from your brain and leads to the other organs. It is a sync of your organs that results in a climax. Like most human traits sexual drive also varies from person to person. Most of the men have a normal sex urge while some of them are hyperactive. They get addicted to it and could never get enough of it and some of the men do have low sexual urges. The biggest reasons for low libido levels could be stress followed by medical conditions. Apart from it, the family surroundings and the environment can all play a role in the sex drive. In some rare cases, the loss of libido can be a genuine case of low testosterone levels. 

Stress can play havoc with such symptoms and since your brain is pressured it may not work in sync with your reproductive organs. The other factors can include medical conditions such as diabetes, cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Hormones too play an important role in the sex drive and the lower hormone levels can lead to a low sex drive. It often comes with age and as a person ages his urges start to diminish and he may be unable to perform and satisfy. 


Every cause of low sexual desire has its own treatment plan. Most of the cases also involve psychology counseling as a part of its treatment plans. Sex therapy may be imparted to men who lack in the techniques and the strategies for getting their composure back. In case if it has been identified that the lack of libido is due to purely low testosterone, the people can try out testosterone shots for increasing their libido. However, these shots should be taken only under the care of a medical supervisor and not privately as it can lead to many complications. Men can even opt for psychological counseling sessions if their problems are identified on a much more personal level. Their family related issues and their compatibility with their partners can be brought under discussion and treatment plans can be charted out based on it.