These are the 3 main reasons for low sperm count in men; Obstacles in becoming a father, know the treatment from infertility expert.

Zero Sperm Count How To Increase: There is a problem of infertility in many men in India. This can happen for many reasons, and one reason is azoospermia. Do you know what is azoospermia? In this article, we will discuss azoospermia, its causes and processes.

What is azoospermia? In men whose semen does not produce sperm, that condition is called azoospermia (zoospermia or null spermatozoa). It occurs in about one percent of all men and fifteen percent of infertile men. There are no signs to recognize this condition. However, if you are trying to get your partner pregnant and have had no success, this may be the reason. Now that you have come to know about Azoospermia or Zero Sperm Count, let us understand its causes as well.

What Causes Azoospermia?

According to Dr. Hashmi, Consultant Gynecologist, and Infertility Specialist, you may have a condition that prevents your testicles from making sperm or one that doesn't allow sperm to come out of your body. There are three main conditions of azoospermia:

1. Pre-Testicular Azoospermia - Pre-Testicular Azoospermia

In this condition, your testicles are working properly, but your body cannot use them to make sperm. This can happen if you are receiving chemotherapy, cancer treatment (chemotherapy) can also have a negative effect on spermatogenesis, or it can also be due to a decrease in hormone levels in the body. This problem is very rare.

2. Testicular Azoospermia - Testicular Azoospermia

In this situation, the testicles are injured for some reason, so they stop making sperm from you. This may be due to the following events.

Cases of urinary tract infections and epididymitis in the reproductive tract.

·         Viral orchitis-like illness in childhood. It involves specific inflammation of one or both ovaries.

·         thigh pain

·         cancer and radiation therapy

·         Congenital chromosomal defect (Kline Felter syndrome)

3. Post-Testicular Azoospermia

In this condition, your testicles normally make sperm, yet something prevents them from passing out, such as:

·         The tube that carries semen from the testicles to the vagina becomes blocked, a condition called obstructive azoospermia.

·         blood vessels

·         Retro-grade azoospermia occurs when semen containing spermatozoa travels into the bladder instead of coming out of the vagina.

·         About 40% of men with azoospermia suffer from post-testicular azoospermia.

·         Now that you understand what causes azoospermia, let's look at the treatment options.

How Can You Treat Azoospermia - Which Treatment is Best For Azoospermia?

Reproductive processes are based on the type and cause of the particular azoospermia. Your female partner's fertility status also determines treatment options.

Most optimized procedure options for azoospermia:

1. Surgical Repair

Some problems of azoospermia can be solved with micro surgical treatment. Varicoceles and blockages in semen can be treated with minor surgery.

While surgery can cure obstructive azoospermia, you can try natural conception. Having surgery does not mean that the problem is solved overnight. Because, after that the doctor has to analyze your semen for three to six months.

This means that if your sperm levels are right and your female partner has no fertility issues, you can conceive naturally. However, if sperm levels remain abnormal after surgery, you may need to undergo other procedures.

2. Semen Extraction from Post-Ejaculation Urine

If your semen is coming out through the bladder instead of the genitals, and you cannot treat it, your specialist may take sperm from the urine after ejaculation. After that, according to the available sperm count and any female fertility problems, you can go for IVF or IUI treatment.

3. Analysis of Testicular Sperm (TESE) by IVF and ICSI

TESE, or testicular sperm extraction, can be used to obtain sperm cells directly from your testes.

This is a minor surgery. Before this the genital area of ​​the concerned person is anesthetized.

The doctor will make a small incision inside the scrotum and remove tissue from the testis. Your specialist will analyze the tissue for sperm cells.

If you don't want to use them right away, you can cryopreserve them.

If you have obstructive azoospermia, you can also opt for TESE which prevents your sperm cells from ejaculating.

Sperm cells extracted through TESE can be used with ICSI and IVF. Therefore, for this treatment you

You can go to IVF center. Your doctor will insert the sperm cells directly inside the egg.

After fertilization, the embryo is placed in the woman's uterus.

'Fix the problem, don't hide it'

Dr. Hashmi  says, 'The problem of azoospermia is not only limited to male infertility, but also increases the risk of other health problems. So if you have azoospermia, don't hide it.'

Some men feel embarrassed about their condition, and therefore do not tell their specialist about their male infertility diagnosis. Basically, this problem can affect not only fertility but also other organs of the body. Therefore, it is important to consult your specialist and inform him.

With the techniques and treatments that exist today, azoospermia condition can be treated. So, you don't have to worry about it. Consult your fertility doctor if you think you have azoospermia. They can help you understand your condition and have a healthy pregnancy.

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