If you have a lot of hair fall then you should find out the deficiency of vitamins in the body because the deficiency of vitamins also leads to hair fall.

We usually get hair fall and baldness from our family. That is, the genetic effect is also seen in the children of people whose parents or grandparents have the problem of baldness. But this is not the case with most of the people, yet their hair is falling fast. Perhaps you are also one of those people whose hair has started falling in youth or has started turning white. Actually, another reason for hair loss can also be vitamin deficiency (Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss). There are some such vitamins in our body, due to the deficiency of which hair loss starts. Let us know about those vitamins whose deficiency causes hair loss at an early age.

Deficiency of which vitamin causes hair loss? (Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss)

Vitamin D - Vitamin D

According to experts, the problem of hair loss due to lack of vitamin D in the body is very common because vitamin D plays a big role in the formation of hair follicles. We get Vitamin D from exposure to the sun. If there is a deficiency of Vitamin D in the body, then definitely take morning sunlight.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C

Vitamin C deficiency stops hair growth and hair turns gray quickly because the body needs vitamin C to make a protein called collagen. It also helps prevent hair loss.

Vitamin B7 - Vitamin B7

B vitamins are very important nutrients for our body. All B vitamins definitely contribute in some way to the functions of the body. Vitamin B7 is also called biotin, the deficiency of which causes hair loss. B vitamins help make red blood cells.

Vitamin A - Vitamin A

Vitamin A is considered essential for the eyes, but it is also very important for the hair tissue. Vitamin A helps the skin glands produce sebum, which not only moisturizes the hair, but also keeps them healthy.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!